Оcenka-BEL.com - безплатни онлайн тестове, пробни изпити, видео уроци и помощ при писане на задания от литературно и хуманитарно естество

Материали за подготовка на ученици, студенти и учители по Български език, Литература и други

The users’ perspective and preference on three user interface website design patterns and their usability - Part 3 2018-10-05 16:21:56

A qualitative study

The users’ perspective and preference on three user interface website design patterns and their usability - Part 2 2018-10-05 16:12:49

A qualitative study

The users’ perspective and preference on three user interface website design patterns and their usability - Part 1 2018-09-30 06:55:20

A qualitative study